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Aleš Bulíř

Published papers

Most recent papers:

Aleš Bulíř and Jan Vlček, 2024, "The Mirage of Falling R-stars", IMF Working Paper 2024/161. Our Matlab codes to replicate our results are here--you need Matlab and IRIS to run them.
Baksa, Dániel and Aleš Bulíř, 2023, "Moving to an Inflation-Targeting Regime", Chapter 3 in Morocco’s Quest for Stronger and Inclusive Growth, Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Bulíř, Aleš, and Jan Vlček, 2022, "Monetary Policy Is not Always Systematic and Data-Driven: Evidence from the Yield Curve," Open Economies Review. The IMF WP version is here and the online only technical annex is here. The CNB Working Paper version is here.
Baksa, Dániel, Aleš Bulíř, and Dyna Heng, 2022, "A Simple Macrofiscal Model for Policy Analysis: An Application to Cambodia", Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, the IMF Working Paper version is here.
Achour, Aya, Aleš Bulíř, Omar Chafik, and Adam Remo, 2021, "The Morocco Policy Analysis Model: Theoretical Framework and Policy Scenarios", IMF Working Paper. The online annex is here.
Bulíř, Aleš, and Jan Vlček, 2021, "Monetary Transmission : Are Emerging Market and Low Income Countries Different?," Journal of Policy Modeling, the online only technical annex is here. For the IMF Working paper see here, for a revised CNB Working Paper see here. All country results are here
From this page you can download my papers published in various journals, their working paper versions, and associated files, if any:

Monetary policy papers

Aleš Bulíř and Jan Vlček, 2024, "The Mirage of Falling R-stars", IMF Working Paper 2024/161. All codes to replicate our results are here--you need Matlab and IRIS to run them.
Baksa, Dániel and Aleš Bulíř, 2023, "Moving to an Inflation-Targeting Regime", Chapter 3 in Morocco’s Quest for Stronger and Inclusive Growth, Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Bulíř, Aleš, and Jan Vlček, 2022, "Monetary Policy Is not Always Systematic and Data-Driven: Evidence from the Yield Curve," Open Economies Review. The IMF WP version is here and the online only technical annex is here. The CNB Working Paper version is here.
Bulíř, Aleš, and Jan Vlček, 2021, "Monetary Transmission : Are Emerging Market and Low Income Countries Different?," Journal of Policy Modeling, the online only technical annex is here. For the IMF Working paper see here, for a revised CNB Working Paper see here. All country results are here
Bulíř, Aleš; Al-Mashat, A. Rania; Dinçer, N. Nergiz; Hlédik, Tibor; Holub, Tomás; Kostanyan, Asya; Laxton, Douglas; Nurbekyan, Armen; Portillo, A Rafael; Wang, Hou, 2018 "An Index for Transparency for Inflation-Targeting Central Banks: Application to the Czech National Bank," for the IMF Working paper see here.

Sofia Bauducco, Aleš Bulíř, and Martin Čihák, 2011, "Monetary Policy Rules with Financial Instability," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance; for the original IMF Working paper version (2008) see here. The revised CNB Working paper version (2009) is here.

Aleš Bulíř, Jaromír Hurník, 2009, "Inflation convergence in the euro area: just another gimmick?" Journal of Financial Economic Policy.

Aleš Bulíř, and Martin Čihák, 2008, "Central Bankers’ Dilemma When Banks Are Vulnerable: To Tighten or not to Tighten?" For the paper see here. This paper will remain unpublished.

Šmídková, Kateřina, Aleš Bulíř, Martin Čihák, 2008, "Hits and Misses: Ten Years of Czech Inflation Targeting," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. This is an umbrella paper written for a special issue of the CJEF devoted to the tenth anniversary of inflation targeting in the Czech Republic. The underlying papers are here and they make great reading.

Aleš Bulíř, and Jaromír Hurník, 2008, "Why has inflation in the European Union stopped converging?" Journal of Policy Modeling;  for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř, and Jaromír Hurník, 2006, "The Maastricht inflation criterion: how unpleasant is purgatory?" Economic Systems ; for the IMF Working paper version see here. For an IMF Survey version see here.

Exchange rate papers

Jan Babecký, Aleš Bulíř, and Kateřina Šmídková, 2012, "Sustainable Real Exchange Rates in the New EU Member States: What did the Great Recession Change?", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance; for the IMF Working paper see here.

Jan Babecký, Aleš Bulíř, and Kateřina Šmídková, 2009, "Sustainable Real Exchange Rates in the New EU Member States: Is FDI a Mixed Blessing?" European Commission Economic Papers 368, March 2009.

Jan Babecký, Aleš Bulíř, and Kateřina Šmídková, 2008, "Sustainable Exchange Rates when Trade Winds Are Plentiful," National Institute Economic Review.

Aleš Bulíř and Kateřina Šmídková, 2007, "Fast Sailing Toward the Euro: Dangers of the Lee Shore," in: Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets and Other Developing Countries, edited by Nicoletta Batini.

Aleš Bulíř, 2005 "Liberalized Markets Have More Stable Exchange Rates: Short-Run Evidence from Four Transition Countries," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance; for the IMF Working paper version see here. For a CNB Research Bulletin version see here.

Aleš Bulíř and Kateřina Šmídková, 2005, "Exchange rates in the new EU accession countries: What have we learned from the forerunners? Economic Systems; for the IMF Working paper version see here. For a CNB Research Bulletin version see here. For the IMF Survey version see here.

Central bank monitoring papers

Bulíř, Aleš; Čihák, Martin, Jansen, David-Jan, 2018, "Does the Clarity of Monetary Policy Reports Reduce Volatility in Financial Markets?"Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. For the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř, Jaromír Hurník, Kateřina Šmídková, 2016, "What Do Central Banks Know about Inflation Factors?Open Economies Review. For the IMF working paper see here, for the CNB Working paper version see here.

Bulíř, Aleš; Čihák, Martin, Jansen, David-Jan, 2012, "Clarity of Central Bank Communication About Inflation," Open Economies Review. For the IMF Working paper version see here. For the VOXEU blog see here.

Aleš Bulíř, Martin Čihák, Kateřina Šmídková, 2012, "Writing Clearly: The ECB's Monetary Policy Communication," German Economic Review. For the IMF Working paper version see here. The spreadsheet with coded ECB statements from the Monthly Bulletin and press releases is available here.

Aleš Bulíř, Kateřina Šmídková, Viktor Kotlán and David Navrátil, 2008, "Inflation Targeting and Communication: It Pays Off to Read Inflation Reports"; for the IMF Working paper version see here. For a CNB Research Bulletin version see here.

Šmídková, Kateřina and Bulíř, Aleš, 2007, "Striving to Be 'Clearly Open' and 'Crystal Clear' : Monetary Policy Communication of the CNB," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance; for a Working paper version see here.

"Macroframework" papers (aka macroeconomic modeling papers)

Baksa, Dániel, Aleš Bulíř, and Dyna Heng, 2022, "A Simple Macrofiscal Model for Policy Analysis: An Application to Cambodia", Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, the IMF Working Paper version is here.
Baksa, Dániel, Aleš Bulíř, and Roberto Cardarelli, 2021, "A Simple Macrofiscal Model for Policy Analysis: An Application to Morocco", IMF Working Paper.
Achour, Aya, Aleš Bulíř, Omar Chafik, and Adam Remo, 2021, "The Morocco Policy Analysis Model: Theoretical Framework and Policy Scenarios", IMF Working Paper. The online annex is here.
Bulíř, Aleš, Daniel Baksa, Juan S Corrales, Andres Gonzalez, Diego Rodriguez, Dyna Heng, 2021, "Using Macroeconomic Frameworks to Analyze the Impact of COVID-19: An Application to Colombia and Cambodia," IMF Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2021/001.
Development aid papers

Alma Lucía Romero-Barrutieta, Aleš Bulíř, and José Daniel Rodríguez-Delgado, 2015, "The Dynamic Implications of Debt Relief for Low-Income Countries," Review of Development Financefor the IMF Working paper see here.

Cristina Arellano, Aleš Bulíř, Timothy Lane, and Leslie Lipschitz, 2009, "The dynamic implications of foreign aid and its variability," Journal of Development Economics; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř and A. Javier Hamann, 2008, "Volatility of Development Aid: From the Frying Pan into the Fire?" World Development; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř and A. Javier Hamann, 2007, "Volatility of Development Aid: An Update," IMF Staff Papers; for the IMF Working paper version see here. Dataset is here.

Aleš Bulíř and A. Javier Hamann, 2003, "Aid Volatility: An Empirical Assessment," IMF Staff Papers; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř and Timothy Lane, 2004, "Aid and Fiscal Management," In: Helping Countries Develop, S. Gupta, B. Clements, and G. Inchauste, eds. (International Monetary Fund: Washington); for a Working paper version see here. And here is the Finance & Development version of the paper.

Transition/planned economy papers

Aleš Bulíř, 2005, "Liberalized Markets Have More Stable Exchange Rates: Short-Run Evidence from Four Transition Countries," Czech Journal of Economics and Finance; for the IMF Working paper version see here

Zuzana Brixiová and Aleš Bulíř, 2003, "Output performance under central planning: a model of poor incentives," Economic Systems; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř, 1998, "Business cycle in Czechoslovakia under central planning: were credit shocks causing it?" Journal of Comparative Economics ; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř, 1997, "Monitoring of Borrowers under Asymmetric Information: The Czech Experience in the Early 1990s," In: The Privatization Process in East-Central Europe, M. Mejstřík (ed.), (Kluwer Academic Publishers: London).

Aleš Bulíř, 1995, "Credit redistribution and monetary targets under central planning in Czechoslovakia," Economic Systems.

Aleš Bulíř and Joshua Charap, 1993, "The Czech and Slovak Republics: The Process of Divergence," Communist Economies and Economic Transformation.

Aleš Bulíř, 1992, "Macroeconomic Policy and Institutions in the Czechoslovak Transition: The Starting Point and First Steps," In: The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: Views from Within, B. Katz and L. Rittenberg (eds.), (Praeger: London).

Income distribution papers

Aleš Bulíř, 2002, "Macroeconomic Policies and Income Distribution," IMF Research Bulletin

Aleš Bulíř, 2001, "Income Inequality: Does Inflation Matter?" IMF Staff Papers; for the IMF Working paper version see here. Dataset is here.

Aleš Bulíř, 2001, "The impact of macroeconomic policies on the distribution of income," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.

Brixiová, Zuzana, Aleš Bulíř, and Joshua Comenetz, 2001, "The Gender Gap in Education in Eritrea in 1991-98: A Missed Opportunity?"; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Aleš Bulíř and Anne Marie Gulde, 1995, "Inflation and Income Distribution - Further Evidence on Empirical Links"; for a Working paper version see here. Published in Czech in Finance a úvěr here.

The role of IMF papers

Aleš Bulíř and Soojin Moon, 2006, "Long-Term Fiscal Developments and IMF Conditionality: Is There a Link?" In: IMF-Supported Programs, A. Mody and A. Rebucci (eds.), (International Monetary Fund: Washington, DC).

Aleš Bulíř and Soojin Moon, 2004, "Is Fiscal Adjustment More Durable When The IMF is Involved?" Comparative Economic Studies; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Ghosh, Atish R., Lane, Timothy D., Schulze-Gattas, Marianne, Bulíř Aleš, Hamann, A. Javier, Mourmouras, Alex, 2002, "IMF-Supported Programs in Capital Account Crises: Design and Experience" IMF Occasional Paper No. 210

Jack Boorman, Timothy Lane, Marianne Schulze-Ghattas, Aleš Bulíř, Atish R. Ghosh, Javier Hamann, Alex Mourmouras, and Steven Phillips, 2000, "Managing financial crises: the experience in East Asia," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Miscellaneous papers

Aleš Bulíř and Andrew Swiston, 2009, "Emerging Market Countries Don’t Believe in Fiscal Stimuli: Should We Blame Ricardo?", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. An earlier version of the paper was titled "What Explains Private Saving in Mexico?" and came out as an IMF Working paper, see here.

Aleš Bulíř, 2004, "Mexico's External Trade: Recent Developments and Policies," Country Report No. 04/418.

Aleš Bulíř, 2003, "Can price incentive to smuggle explain the contraction of the cocoa supply in Ghana?" Journal of African Economies; for the IMF Working paper version see here.

Papers written in Czech and other fun stuff

My old papers written mostly in Czech and published in Finance a úvěr can be found here.

In September 2006 I interviewed Mrs. Meda Mládková about her life in Washington (her husband, Jan Mládek, was Director of the IMF's African and Central Banking Departments), her love of art collecting, and the modern art museum in Prague (Muzeum Kampa) she founded with her collection and continues to run. You can read the interview in the IMF Staff News here. The page of the Museum Kampa is here.