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Aleš Bulíř

Work in progress

I'm working on several papers with various people (ordered here alphabetically). I usually work on more papers than I can handle, both physically and mentally, as I routinely underestimate the time it takes to finalize a paper. It's not really funny, and certainly not for my co-authors, but I find it hard to resist starting a new paper every once in a while...

Jan Vlček. We are working on a novel estimation of r* (R-star).

Khyati Chauhan. We are working on estimating the Bohn rule in a sample of European countries.


Work in progress (and available for comments):


Aleš Bulíř and Khyati Chauhan, "Europe’s Debt (Un)Sustainability: Looking Through the Bohn’s Magnifying Glass".

No large European countries—except a few minnows—have met during the past 40 years or so the so-called Bohn rule that specifies that that past increases of public debt need to be compensated with current fiscal surpluses to achieve fiscal sustainability. We find that post-1980 European fiscal primary balances have been driven by spending growth and consumption smoothing. The results change little between the pre- and post-GFC periods.